2001-08-13 - 9:46 p.m.
I've danced in fields of wild flowers
and soured above the silver clouds
I've dreamed unihibited in the sunshine of life
but now it is time for the rain again
It sneaks in on deceptive silver clouds
but it slowly turns dark
the bright sunshine yields to a darker side
and the wildflowers hide among the grass
The silver clouds turn black with time
and heavily burdened with rain
and the water flows
and the soul retreats
afraid and huddled amongst the storm
the storm that rages powerful against the will
against hope
the thunder is loud the lightening strikes close
from time to time the rain lessens
as if a ray of light might break through the gloom
but the rain returns in torrents
It drowns the wild flowers
The memories of the sunshine fade
the soul paces in its silent prison
restlessness, fear, doubt
and the storm rages on.
Someday the sunshine will come again
the wildflowers will grow
and these things shall be brigter
they will be more beatiful
and the soul will dance again
wilder and more passionate because of the rain it has known.