Saturday, December 13, 2008

I believe in Fairytales....

I like romantic movies, of the sort where the perfect man and the perfect woman still exist, and momentarily they do something stupid, but you can see how perfect they are, and it all comes out just perfect in the end. I don't care about the impossibility of it, that men aren't that sensitive, that women don't communicate ever for 2 hours without the use of passive aggression; it makes me feel, for a brief moment of time, warm fuzzy sweet hope. Hope in a world that loves these days, to be entirely too bleak and pessimistic.

I like love letters read from old musty books and gallant men on white horses, i like the idea of the damsel in distress that gets rescued by their white night or her strong, gorgeous "good" vampire hero. I like to believe, while you're rolling your eyes, in the inherent good in the world too.

Call me naive.

Maybe its just what keeps me hanging on when my heart wants to shatter against the overwhelming evidence to the contrary, movies and a silent hope that there is in fact something different hidden somewhere in the world. But that's okay - it keeps a smile on my face and much more warmth in my heart, that perhaps, in vain shred of belief, so i'll keep it. I'll believe in fairy tales and glass slippers and gallant men, i'll believe in the possibility of hope and less suffering for the good guys, and that karma slaps the bad and my step will remain a little lighter, and all will be okay in my world. And if i'm be it....a little hope never hurt no one.

So if you're inclined to burst my bubble....don't....maybe you should build one of your own. Its not that i'm not aware of the possibility i believe in unicorns which could never exist in this world...i just choose to believe anyway and maybe, they'll come to life.....


trin said...

I love you just the way you are.

Just the way you are.

Merry Christmas, beautiful.

Miss Nomer said...

i don't think i believe in them...

please delete the comment and don't like to my blog right now ok? I just wanted you to know where I was and thank you for being supportive.