Sunday, September 28, 2003

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2003-09-28 - 7:57 a.m.

You're here again....I feel you on the breeze. Will you forever haunt me?

My own shadow frightens me now, is that not enough for you?

Your control, your trickery, your timing impeccable. Oh but I thought I would win this year, my mind braced to be strong against other hardships, my spirit strengthened by nearly a year now of interflection and growth, time spent alone growing in myself. But as if you control the universe in all its darkened ways, you have broken me down.

I check the lock on the door 1000 times a night it seems, sleep comes only in short moments tormented by memories and with screams I wake. The cold air of fall once my comfort and relief seems to take hold on my throat and press like the silver shining blade you will never let me forget.

The wind taunts me, in its whisperings your voice sings mockingly. I wrap my clothing around me but the cold forever penetrates and my very soul shivers unable to find warmth.

Will you ever leave me be, have I not suffered enough?

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