Tuesday, August 27, 2002

Have you ever wanted to set your soul free...to fly uninhibited...unencumbered by the weight of this world's worries. To watch it soar high above teh clouds of self doubt and fear. Watch it fly into eternity on gossamer wings with nothing to pull it down into the mist which covers a grey world lined with darkness.

Did you ever desire to see the crimson flow of freedom coursing from your veins into a wild chaotic world.

When I was young I dreamed that the world was fair and just and there was good in the world.

As I grew I refused to become jaded, even forsaking my pain to believe that the inherant good of man was stronger than a draw to greed and evil.

And I suffer because I want to believe in something that is not there that does not exist. A good that is so far removed from our lives and our wills that it is the myth that powers my life and causes pain at every step

I am the most naive of hte niave..I still stand here wanting to believe in these childish notions I once thought were law...knowing they are untrue and yet begging with all my soul that one day I should see them.

I was failliable too...

the river flows red now...with the life of my innocence.

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