Thursday, October 2, 2008

When whoever's in New England's Through With me....

The warm weather and water of the gulf coast awaits.....

i signed today with a Florida hospital along the gulf coast...and let the traveling again ensue. When the snow starts to fly just after the holidays i'll pack the car and find myself on a week long road trip, visiting a few friends on my drive down the eastern seaboard and across to my new home for 3 months. The job is a new challenge of skills and a building of self, and i return to a land of sand between my toes and warm waters and palm trees.

The idea of leaving always comes with mixed emotions....but i know in 6 months the winds will blow me back to this side of the world again and the amazing people here i call family....maybe a little bit of self and sun and sand is what i need in the interim......i miss my tevas.

And at least my little peanut's other grandparents live only a few hours down the coast - i'll see her during these months - a strategy to my location choice - she grows too fast to go any great length of time without seeing. My house as always is open for visits.....and i have no doubt there are others that are lining up to come too - warmer climes tend to attract wintertime visits. Will i be seeing you among the sand and the palm trees? I make a mean mango mojito.......just leave your flip flops by the door and come on in.


Anonymous said...

I love the part about "building of self". You're a gypsy, aren't you??

syllista said...

Some call my a gypsy, some call it ADD, some call it simple wanderlust that resides deep within me...either way i itch too long in one space and yet at the same time long for i have both.

Roots that grow deeper than you can imagine, and yet the world still manages to call me and i go....but my roots always know somehow i'll still attached. They call me home, they keep me grounded where i need to be and they keep my head from disappearing too far into the clouds.

Maybe someday the roots will be more traditional....for now they suit me just fine....

i love my gypsy wanderlust and my roots...

Mistress Cesca said...

Can't wait to visit!